a park path with a row of trees


Coming Soon

Under-resourced neighbourhoods take the biggest hit when it comes to issues of mental health. Often members of our communities are in desperate need of specialist help. Long waiting lists, poor support structures, and unrecognised diagnosis means our most vulnerable can fall through the nets. Churches play a vital role in fostering environments where people are seen and heard. We help connect people to community, as well as signpost available services.

Living in areas facing underfunding, working long hours with little budget, and repeated exposure to traumatised individuals can take its toll on our own wellbeing too. At times, we’re holding the tension of trying to lead others to the living water, whilst feeling the well has run dry for ourselves.

Burnout is common amongst caring professions. A lack of boundaries can be an issue for anybody serving their community, but in areas where need is the greatest, it requires time, energy, and focus to self-care wisely. Unreasonable demands combined with facing everyday realities of life on an estate, can lead to emotional exhaustion. Throw in all the endless schemes and initiatives to attract people into the church, and you are left with little time to care for your own soul.

According to mental health charity, Kintsugi Hope, 91% of Christians from various UK denominations believe mental health remains stigmatised, with more than half saying their church rarely or never spoke about it.

This must change.

What does it take to do Urban Ministry healthily? Exploring tips, advice, testimonies, and best practice around mental and emotional health, as well as ways to take good self-care.

We’d love to hear your own ideas around this. Join the conversation by emailing: [email protected]

a park path with a row of trees
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