Our Mission

Proximity is the brand-new urban mission resource hub equipping churches, leaders and those on the ground through online content and in-person community.

A group of people posing for the camera
An arial photo of a town with a church

Proximity exists to resource urban mission by...

  • Calling the church into proximity with those experiencing urban poverty.

By raising awareness of the disconnect between the church and those living in low-income communities Proximity will call the church to focus its missional efforts towards those on the edges of society.

  • Walking in proximity with those on the frontlines of urban mission.

Through our online hub and in person community, Proximity will resource and support Christians living and ministering in urban contexts.

  • Pointing to the proximity of Christ in our urban communities.

By sharing the stories of those involved in urban ministry we will highlight best practice and share key learning, celebrating how God is moving in estates.

Our Values

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    Partnering with Christians living and ministering long term in low-income communities, Proximity will develop innovative resources to serve and equip the urban church across the U.K.


  • 02.


    Recognising urban ministry can be a lonely and isolating experiencing for those involved, Proximity will draw together a community of urban missionaries for equipping, encouraging and mutual support.

  • 03.


    Proximity will create opportunities for those involved in urban mission to reflect upon their practice, providing a platform to share learning and experience with others involved in estates ministry.

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