In Focus:
The Proximity Principle
While you might expect those in positions of power to have a long-distance relat…
Mark's gospel devotional
Think, pray, and live Mark’s Gospel over thirty quick sessions. Scripture come…
Around the houses
Rev Ben Woodfield believes door knocking is still one of the best ways to share…
Your hub of urban mission resources. Discover blogs, videos, podcasts, teaching and downloadable content created to equip you as you step out on mission in your estate or city.
In this second episode of our brilliant collaboration with The Hopeful Activist …
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William Carey said, “To know the will of God, we need an open bible and an ope…
For our first season, Sam Ward from The Message Trust and Natalie Williams of Ju…
Bishop Philip North believes we need a strong urban church to renew the wider ch…
In this piece of filmed poetry, Matt Britton imagines the prophet Ezekiel taking…
Are you in need of some practical ways to engage with young people in your commu…
Is the church in the UK run by middle-class people for middle-class people? Gary…
Does loving someone mean always being available? Psychotherapist Judy Potts digs…
Join Head of Eden, Sarah Small, as she explores how we can be obedient to God in…
Are we preaching a middle-class gospel? Natalie Williams, author of The Myth of …
When we long to live a life that loves like Jesus, we can find ourselves constan…
In this blog, Jonny McClune, Youth for Christ Operations and Ministry director f…
Over six years on from the devastating Grenfell Tower fire, its effects are stil…
What is the benefit of being planted in our community for the long haul? How can…
In this episode of the Proximity podcast Sam and Nat explore the great exchange …
Sam and Nat are back for episode 6 of the Proximity podcast and their series exp…