In Focus:
The Proximity Principle
While you might expect those in positions of power to have a long-distance relat…
Mark's gospel devotional
Think, pray, and live Mark’s Gospel over thirty quick sessions. Scripture come…
Around the houses
Rev Ben Woodfield believes door knocking is still one of the best ways to share…
Your hub of urban mission resources. Discover blogs, videos, podcasts, teaching and downloadable content created to equip you as you step out on mission in your estate or city.
In this second episode of our brilliant collaboration with The Hopeful Activist …
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Finding a book that speaks to the heart of weariness feels like a breath of fres…
Do you get tired of saying “yes” to everything and feeling overwhelmed? It m…
There are plenty of ways to bring a little light into these long and dark winter…
As we move into the darker winter months and start to plan for Christmas, Helen …
Does loving someone mean always being available? Psychotherapist Judy Potts digs…
East London Church leader and Urban Practical Theologian, Cris Rogers, gives fiv…
In a world that glorifies productivity and business, how do we live out our fait…
Katy Hollamby is a writer and illustrator, who enjoys learning about the importa…
When we long to live a life that loves like Jesus, we can find ourselves constan…
Proximity presents a short filmed prayer for the Urban Church. Pray with us!
Dai Hankey shares wisdom from his many years of experience of planting the gospe…
Drawing upon Psalm 34 and the experience of living in his community for over two…
Simple prayers to help you face some of the common challenges in Urban Ministry.…
Inspired by his book, 'Not forgotten,' theologian, Chris Lane, writes about both…
You gave it your best shot to be the next Jackie Pullinger, but just ended up ex…